As if breastfeeding weren't hard enough, remembering to drink water and actually eat added a whole other level of complication to newborn life for this mama! Taking care of myself was the last thing I was thinking about in my sleep-deprived zombie state. I realizing looking back just how important it was though and still make sure to drink over half of my body weight in ounces of water each day and fill up on complex carbs and fats!
Additionally, as a mom who has experienced PPD/PPA with both babies, one of my biggest sources of concern was whether or not they were getting enough to eat (if you've seen Rae's recent photos, you will know she most certainly is hahaha - see below)

So, I wanted to share the recipe for one of my favorite breastmilk boosting snacks that we lovingly call “Boobie Bites.”
Oats are one of my favorite galactagogues (foods that boost milk supply)! You can use any oats you'd like for this recipe but I absolutely love the Hearty Grains & Seeds from The Soulfull Project that are full of GF rolled oats, oat bran, and more nutrition packed ingredients. Also, how amazing is it that for each purchase of one of their hot cereals, they provide one to a regional food bank!!! 👏👏👏
These Boobie Bites are quick & easy to make and the perfect snack to grab as a busy breastfeeding mama! (They are amazing for everyone really, just skip the brewer’s yeast if you aren’t nursing)
1 Cup @thesoulfullproject Hearty Grains & Seeds (or any rolled oats)
1/2 Cup Peanut Butter
1/2 Cup Ground Flax Seed
1 Cup Shredded Coconut (healthy fats have also really helped my breastmilk)
1/3 Cup Honey (I use raw local honey)
1/2 TBS Brewer’s Yeast (also known to help boost supply)
1 Tsp Vanilla
1/2 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips (I use dairy free ones)
Combine ingredients and roll into balls. Store in the refrigerator and enjoy! 🌟
To all of my fellow breastfeeding mamas, the first few weeks were the hardest for us. I promise it will get easier, but until then, I see you, I feel for you, and I am rooting for you!
Regardless of how you feed your baby, I am a big believer that fed is best and I'm sending every single mom out there so much love! You've got this, mamas!